
10 famous quotes by rita mae brown

10 famous quotes by rita mae brown

  • The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four people is suffering from a mental illness. Look at your 3 best friends. If they’re ok, then it’s you.
  • I think the reward for conformity is that everyone likes you except yourself.
  • Sorrow is how we learn to love. Your heart isn’t breaking. It hurts because it’s getting larger. The larger it gets, the more love it holds.
  • About all you can do in life is be who you are. Some people will love you for you. Most will love you for what you can do for them, and some won’t like you at all.
  • Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment.
  • Unfortunately, Susan didn’t remember what Jane Fulton once said, ‘Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.
  • Happiness is pretty simple: someone to love, something to do, something to look forward to.
  • Creativity comes from trust. Trust your instincts. And never hope more than you work.
  • It doesn’t matter to me. We’re still cousins in our own way. Blood’s just something old people talk about to make you feel bad.
  • I mean, what do people talk about when they’re married?” “Their kids, I guess.” “Maybe that’s all they have in common.
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