
10 inspirational jean webster quotes on success

  • Thank heaven I don’t inherit God from anybody! I am free to make mine up as I wish Him. He’s kind and sympathetic and imaginative and forgiving and understanding – and He has a sense of humor.
  • Anybody can rise to a crisis and face a crushing tragedy with courage, but to meet the petty hazards of the day with a laugh- I really think that requires spirit!
  • I believe absolutely in my own free will and my own power to accomplish – and that is the belief that moves mountains.
  • The more I study men, the more I realize that they are nothing in the world but boys grown too big to be spankable.
  • I think that the most necessary quality for any person to have is imagination. It makes people able to put themselves in other people’s places. It makes them kind and sympathetic and understanding.
  • I have a terrible wanderthirst; the very sight of a map makes me want to put on my hat and take an umbrella and start. I shall see before I die the palms and temples of the South.
  • it’s dreadful when two people’s senses of humor are antagonistic. I don’t believe there’s any bridging that gulf!
  • Half of the time I don’t know what they’re talking about; their jokes seem to relate to a past that everyone but me has shared. I’m a foreigner in the world and I don’t understand the language.
  • The world is full of happiness, and plenty to go round, if you are only willing to take the kind that comes your way.
  • It seems to me that a man who can think straight along for forty-seven years without changing a single idea ought to be kept in a cabinet as a curiosity.