- Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? And well you should not. For my ally is the Force. And a powerful allyit is.
- Surrender is a perfectly acceptable alternative in extreme circumstances.
- Plot is people. Human emotions and desires founded on the realities of life, working at cross purposes, getting hotter and fiercer as they strike against each other until finally there’s an explosion-that’s Plot.
- Len Colter sat in the shade under the wall of the horse barn, eating pone and sweet butter and contemplating a sin.
- Love is like the measles; the older you are when it hits you, the harder it takes. Cheer up, you won’t die of it.
- There’s never been an act done since the beginning, from a kid stealing candy to a dictator committing genocide, that the person doing it didn’t think he was fully justified. That’s a mental trick called rationalizing, and it’s done the human race more harm than anything else you can name.
- Whether it was the stimulus of the radio, or simply that he was growing up, or both, he saw everything about him in a new way, as though he had managed to get a little distance off so that his sight wasn’t blurred by being too close.
- As long as there are crazed or crafty leaders to play on old fears, a mob will turn cruel.
- You can’t destroy knowledge. You can stamp it under and burn it up and forbid it to be, but somewhere it will survive.
- The cities were sucking all the life of the country into themselves and destroying it. Men were no longer individuals but units in a vast machine, all cut to one pattern, with the same tastes and ideas, the same mass-produced education that did not educate but only pasted a veneer of catchwords over ignorance. Why do you want to bring that back?
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