- A straightforward answer to a straightforward question will move you that much more forward in this world, that much faster.
- If some musicians put half as much effort in to the business side as they do their outer look and appearances, they could be twice as far.
- The people who blame everything and every body else for their lack of success, tended to continue to have a lack of success.
Your Proactive, problem solving minded, assertive and responsible approach is going to carry you much further than whining, blaming, pointing fingers and justifying your failures. - For your own professionalism, reputation & appearance, it really is ok to NOT post every #video, picture, event or show on social media.
On the contrary, holding back, waiting or not posting certain things all together can help much more than hurt. - Are you considering the other person you’re calling when you call? Do you ask if it is a good time? If not, why not?
- Artists of today can be inspired by the past, but they have to apply present methods if they want a future in music.
- The more you engage and connect, the more engagement and connections you will have.
- The Cream Does NOT Always Rise To The Top! There is a serious misconception, misconnection and mistake in this idea of thinking.
- Your mistakes aren’t learning experiences … if you aren’t learning from them.
- Try not to sound like those singer-songwriters that go on and on with ten-minute, barely intelligible stories that everyone endures until the next song starts.
10 inspirational loren weisman quotes on success

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