- There is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life beautiful for others.
- Go against the grain, refuse to conform, take the road less traveled instead of the well-beaten path.
- That’s the thing about fear. It can only hang around until faith enters the room, then it’s forced to flee.
- Sometimes it takes a heartbreak to shake us awake and help us see we are worth so much more than we’re settling for.
- Laugh in the face of adversity, and leap before you look. Dance as though EVERYBODY is watching. March to the beat of your own drummer. And stubbornly refuse to fit in.
- In the midst of our struggle to find out who we are, there are infinite possibilities for beauty, and hope, and wonder, and love.
- Our sparkle comes from somewhere deeper inside, somewhere so pure and authentic and REAL, it doesn’t need gloss or polish or glitter to shine.
- One of the best times for figuring out who you are and what you really want out of life? Right after a breakup.
- Being brave enough to be alone frees you up to invite people into your life because you want them and not because you need them.
- Hope for love, pray for love, wish for love, dream for love… but don’t put your life on hold waiting for love.
10 inspirational mandy hale quotes on success

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