
10 inspirational michael morpurgo quotes on success

  • I can hate you more, but I’ll never love you less.
  • Being his real brother I could feel I live in his shadows, but I never have and I do not now. I live in his glow.
  • Stories make you think and dream; books make you want to ask questions.
  • Any problem can be solved between people if only they can trust each other.
  • That’s what this war is all about, my friend. It’s about which of us is the crazier.And clearly you British have an advantage.You were crazy beforehand.
  • Life must not be spent always hoping, always waiting. Life is for living. -Kensuke.
  • It’s no good wishing for the impossible. Don’t wish. Remember. Remembrances are real.
  • My Albert married his Maisie Brown as he said he would. But I think she never took to me, nor I to her for that matter. Perhaps it was a feeling of mutual jealousy.
  • But try as I might, I never got to eat any of her pastries, and do you know, she never even offered me one.
  • Tonight, I want very much to believe that there’s a heaven, that death is not a full stop, and that we will all see one another again.
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