- Courage isn’t the absence of fear, but a decision that what we want is more important than what we are afraid of.
- Selfish is caring for ourselves at others’ expense … Self-care is taking care of ourselves so that we can be there for others.
- There are only three things we ‘have to’ do in this world we have to be born, we have to die, and we have to live until we die. Everything else is a choice!
- Until we become clear about our own worth and value, we will forever be searching for it in the eyes of others.
- Stress is an indicator of our belief in the value and validity of our worries and fears.
- To change any aspect of our life we must be willing to change our mind… Unfortunately, that is the one thing most people are the least willing to do.
- What we feed our mind becomes the material with which we build our life.
- The way to encourage people to be accountable is to engage the responsible, accountable, trustworthy part of their brain.
- When we take care of ourselves like we would take care of someone we love, the quality of our living and our giving goes up.
- Nothing will sabotage our happiness and success more thoroughly than the fear that we are not enough.
10 inspirational william crawford quotes on success

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