
10 priscilla presley quotes

10 priscilla presley quotes

  • You have so much to share, you have so much to tell, you have so much you want to expose, so much that’s inside that you’ve learned from that life period. There are really very few people I can share that with.
  • I lived a really wonderful life with this man and even after our divorce, it was incredible.
  • I lived somebody else’s life. It was never about me, it was really about him on every level.
  • There’s been a big void out there, in terms of where I’ve been and what I am currently working on, I’d like to fill that void now and share my exciting plans for the future.
  • I just look at it, as it’s something that I had to do. I had this vision that really, Graceland is suited for a king and it is his castle. And people really should see it, as he loved it.
  • It’s not that, you know, when a relationship doesn’t work and there are issues, you have to somehow work it out if there are children involved.
  • You know, you know, obviously, if my daughter’s happy, you know, then I don’t have any problem.
  • Absolutely. I – you know, he was so that much a part of my life that, you know, Elvis, you know, once – once you bonded with him, I mean, there was no – there was no going back. He was just a great guy.
  • She would go to Memphis and this was after our divorce. And I would send her to Memphis to be with him.
  • You have to remember that when I met Elvis, you know, it wasn’t the fanfare that it is today or even when he was here in the states and I was in Germany growing up.
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