
10 top Robert farrar capon quotes

10 top Robert farrar capon quotes

  • Only when you are finally able, with the publican, to admit that you are dead will you be able to stop balking at grace.
  • What role have I left for religion? None. And I have left none because the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ leaves none. Christianity is not a religion; it is the announcement of the end of religion.
  • Your stew, so long deferred, stands finally extra causas. Greet it as your fellow creature. It is as deliciously unnecessary as you are.
  • Perhaps you see, therefore, why I think taste must come before nutrition? Our infatuation for the quasi-scientific has left us easy marks for con men and tin fiddle manufacturers.
  • The wickedness of the church can be one thing and one only: turning the Good News ofJesus into the bad news ofreligion.
  • Jesus didn’t shy away from sinners, so why should the church? And don’t tell me the church welcomes sinners. I know better. It welcomes only sinners who repent and then never seriously need forgiveness again.
  • The reason for not going out and sinning all you like is the same as the reason for not going out and putting your nose in a slicing machine: it’s dumb, stupid, and no fun.
  • The only reason that judgment comes into it at all is the sad fact that there will always be dummies who refuse to trust a good thing when it’s handed to them on a platter.
  • To make belief the touchstone of the kingdom’s operation is simply to turn faith into just one more cold work. Of course we must believe; but only because there is nothing left for us to do but believe.
  • Goodness itself, in other words, if it is sufficiently committed to plausible, right-handed, strong-arm methods, will in the very name of goodness do all and more than all that evil ever had in mind.
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