
Inspiring quotes by Alice B. Toklas

Top 10 most inspiring quotes by Alice B. Toklas

  • In the menu, there should be a climax and a culmination. Come to it gently. One will suffice.
  • The first gathering of salads, radishes, and herbs made me feel like a mother about her baby—how could anything so beautiful be mine?
  • There is nothing that is comparable to it, as satisfactory or as thrilling as gathering the vegetables one has grown.
  • What is sauce for the goose may be sauce for the gander, but it is not necessarily sauce for the chicken, the duck, the turkey or the Guinea hen.
  • The French write plays and paint as naturally as we play jazz; it’s just a national gift.
  • This has been a most wonderful evening. Gertrude has said things tonight it will take her 10 years to understand.
  • As if a cookbook had anything to do with writing.
  • Illness sets the mind free sometimes to roam and surmise.
  • I have just learned a delicious French usage. On wedding invitations when they say the mass is at noon, they mean one o’clock; when they say at noon precise they mean half after twelve; and when they say at very precisely noon, they mean noon.
  • Sometime, all kinds of letters will be published to the ineffable delight of endless readers.

Alice B. Toklas (1877–1967) was an American-born writer and life partner of Gertrude Stein, a prominent avant-garde art collector and writer. Born in San Francisco, Toklas gained recognition for her contributions to the literary and artistic scene of the early 20th century. Her most famous work is “The Alice B. Toklas Cookbook,” an unconventional cookbook that blends recipes with anecdotes and reflections on her life with Stein.

Toklas and Stein lived in Paris, where they hosted a salon that attracted prominent figures from the world of art and literature, including Pablo Picasso and Ernest Hemingway. Toklas played a crucial role in supporting Stein’s work and became a muse for some of her writings.

Despite Stein’s greater fame, Toklas’s cookbook became a literary success and remains a classic in its genre. The most infamous recipe in the book is the “Haschich Fudge,” a concoction that gained attention for its inclusion of cannabis, reflecting the bohemian and experimental spirit of the couple’s life in Paris.

Following Stein’s death in 1946, Toklas continued to write and publish her memoirs, contributing to the legacy of their influential partnership in the cultural history of the 20th century.

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