
Inspiring quotes by Dan Marino

Top 10 most inspiring quotes by Dan Marino

  • My parents would always say, ‘It doesnt’ matter if it’s a guy picking up the garbage or the President of the United States, treat everybody as you would want to be treated.
  • My father always taught me to appreciate what you’re fortunate to have and give back to those who need it. No part of our society is more important than the children, especially the ones who need our help.
  • Leadership comes by the example you set through your work. It begins from the way you are perceived as a worker and the respect that comes with it.
  • It’s real nice and exciting for me to break the records, but it’s more exciting for me to be on a winning team.
  • If you ask any great player or great quarterback, there’s a certain inner confidence that you’re as good as anybody. But you can’t say who is the absolute best. To be considered is special in itself.
  • I’m getting married because I’m in love with a girl and want to spend my life with her. You can’t live your life doing what other people want you to or you’ll be miserable. At some point you just have to be yourself.
  • I want to know what it’s like to play in a Super Bowl and win one. My career will be great without it. But, personally, selfishly, I want to know what it feels like.
  • I think it’s more and more important to spend time with your children, because it seems to be harder and harder for them to succeed as their parents have succeeded.
  • I just try to be myself, whatever that is. I don’t think about how I’ll be remembered. I just want to be consistent over a long period of time. That’s what the great players do.
  • I think I have a passion for playing the game. I love to play, and I want to play at a high level. You have to do the right things in order to continue at that level.

Dan Marino is a former American football quarterback who is widely regarded as one of the greatest quarterbacks in NFL history. Born on September 15, 1961, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Marino enjoyed a highly successful career that spanned 17 seasons, all with the Miami Dolphins.

Marino played college football at the University of Pittsburgh, where he achieved numerous records and accolades. In 1983, he was selected by the Miami Dolphins in the first round of the NFL Draft. Marino quickly made his mark in the NFL, setting numerous records during his career, including most passing yards and touchdown passes in a season. He was known for his quick release, strong arm, and remarkable accuracy as a passer.

Throughout his illustrious career, Marino earned numerous accolades, including nine Pro Bowl selections and three First-Team All-Pro honors. Although he never won a Super Bowl, his impact on the game of football and his legacy as one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time remain unquestioned.

Marino retired from professional football in 2000 and has since pursued various business and broadcasting opportunities. He remains a beloved figure in the world of sports and continues to be involved in philanthropic endeavors.

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