
Inspiring quotes by Deborah Moggach

Top 10 most inspiring quotes by Deborah Moggach

  • Everything will be alright in the end so if it is not alright it is not the end.
  • The only real failure is the failure to try, and the measure of success is how we cope with disappointment.
  • All novelists I speak to about how they started usually say it was by pulling up their roots and going to live somewhere else. You see the shape of your life at a distance.
  • You need to know the characters as living, breathing people before you start the plot; otherwise, you’ll feel panic, anarchy and chaos.
  • The traditional writer is a sensitive only child, asthmatic, who sits on the window seat watching the drops of rain slide down the pane, very introspective. I’m not inward-looking. I would never go to a shrink. I don’t want to know what I’m thinking. I don’t really like discussions in my family. It may be an avoidance thing.
  • My first novel, ‘You Must be Sisters,’ was started in Pakistan. I’ve wrote several novels and a TV drama set or partly-set there.
  • I found Hollywood pretty bruising and uncreative. The executives are all in thrall to the boss, and spend their times double-guessing him or her, and trying to remember what he/she said and then applying them to the script, whether it was useful or not. They’re all in fear for their jobs.
  • My parents were both writers – they would type their manuscripts sitting side by side on the veranda of our house near Watford – so I wanted to do something different. I wanted to be a bluegrass singer, an architect, a landscape gardener, or to do something with animals.
  • I have four Rhode Island Red hens. I get two eggs from them a day. They’re feathered dustbins that eat leftover food and weeds, and they’re easy to look after – I throw some grain at them in the morning, take the eggs and that’s it. I love the sound of clucking.
  • I hate fussing about in the kitchen when I have people over to supper, so I make a rich beef stew cooked in wine with carrots, sundried tomato paste and chopped chorizo sausage.

Deborah Moggach is a British author born on June 28, 1948, in London, England. She is renowned for her compelling novels and screenwriting contributions. Moggach studied English literature at the University of Bristol before embarking on a career in writing.

Throughout her career, Moggach has produced a diverse array of literary works that have captivated readers worldwide. Her novels often explore themes of love, relationships, and human dynamics, displaying a keen understanding of human nature. One of her most notable works is “Tulip Fever,” which was later adapted into a film.

Moggach’s talent extends beyond the pages of her novels. She has also made significant contributions to the world of screenwriting. Her screenplay for the film “Pride & Prejudice,” released in 2005, received critical acclaim and helped bring Jane Austen’s classic novel to a new generation of viewers.

Deborah Moggach’s versatile and engaging writing style has earned her a dedicated following and numerous awards, cementing her as a respected figure in contemporary British literature. Her ability to craft compelling narratives that resonate with readers and viewers alike continues to make her a prominent figure in the literary and cinematic worlds.

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