
Inspiring quotes by Joseph Kabila

The top 10 most inspiring quotes by Joseph Kabila

  • I believe that what’s much more important is not what you say, but what you do. And I am a doer.
  • One of the reasons why a number of people have decided to go into the opposition were the reforms we carried out.
  • The West exploited Africa and now it wants to save it. We have been living with this hypocrisy for too long. Africa can only be saved by Africans.
  • What is the situation today? We have a united country. We have a single currency. We have managed to stabilize the economy, despite difficulties. We could talk all day about all those achievements.
  • You can organize elections any day, even tomorrow. But what will be the result of chaotic elections? More chaos!
  • The constitution is very clear as to how and when the president hands over power. He can only hand power over to an elected successor.
  • Nobody as of today can produce any oral or written statement from me talking about changing the constitution.
  • When Europe senses danger, it needs to do something to keep all the Africans at home where they belong.
  • I cannot interpret the constitution. Only the constitutional courts can interpret the constitution.
  • Democracy was assassinated here when Patrice Lumumba was assassinated. And who brought democracy back to this country? We are the ones who did that after pushing out the dictatorship in 1997.

Joseph Kabila Kabange, born on June 4, 1971, in Hewabora, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), became the President of the DRC in 2001 following the assassination of his father, Laurent-Désiré Kabila.

Educated at Makerere University in Uganda and the PLA National Defense University in China, Kabila initially focused on military training. His presidency was marked by efforts to stabilize the war-torn nation through peace agreements, notably the Sun City Agreement in 2002, which ended the Second Congo War.

Kabila won the DRC’s first multiparty elections in 2006 and was re-elected in 2011, though his terms were marred by allegations of electoral fraud and human rights abuses. He faced significant pressure to step down at the end of his second term in 2016 but remained in power until December 2018, when Félix Tshisekedi succeeded him, marking the first peaceful transition of power in the DRC’s history.

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