
Inspiring quotes by Kurt Warner

The top 10 most inspiring quotes by Kurt Warner

  • Part of high cholesterol is that you can look at yourself in the mirror, and you can feel great and think there’s no issues. But silently, they can be affecting your heart.
  • The road to our dreams has many detours.
  • If you love something, if you’re passionate about it, that’s where you’re going to have the greatest impact on the people around you: by living in those passions and sharing that passion with other people and sharing your gifts and what God created you to be.
  • It did not matter whether it was preseason, regular season, my first playoff game, or the Super Bowl, I was nervous. And all that meant was that it always mattered to me. Anytime I was putting myself on a line, it didn’t matter what it was, it was okay to be nervous because it was important to me. It was important to do my job well.
  • You have to live life for today and for this moment.
  • I didn’t corner the market on great stories. I’m not the only one who can do something like work at a grocery store and then win a Super Bowl. Other people can do it. You hope people will see that and say, ‘Hey, that will be me.’ They’re going to chase after it like I did. And they’re going to be the next one.
  • The greatest impact you can have on people is never what you say but how you live… You set the standard with your actions. The words can come after.
  • That’s part of the deal. You’re going to be criticized. I always welcomed that. Not everyone believes what I believe. And I welcome the criticism, not because I like it, but because it means they’re watching you. It presents an opportunity to share your message and share your faith.
  • You can take off a football jersey, but you can never take off your faith. That goes with you everywhere.
  • Sports have an amazing way of banding people together from all walks of life, building relationships that would have never happened.

Kurt Warner, born on June 22, 1971, in Burlington, Iowa, is a former American football quarterback renowned for his remarkable career in the NFL. After going undrafted in 1994, Warner’s journey to stardom was unconventional, including a stint stocking shelves at a grocery store and playing in the Arena Football League.

He joined the St. Louis Rams in 1998 and, by 1999, led the team to a Super Bowl victory, earning MVP honors. Warner’s quick release and precision passing defined his play. He also played for the New York Giants and Arizona Cardinals, guiding the latter to a Super Bowl appearance in 2008.

Warner retired in 2010 with numerous accolades, including two NFL MVP awards. His story is one of perseverance and triumph, culminating in his induction into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 2017. Today, Warner is a motivational speaker and football analyst.

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