
Inspiring quotes by Robert Downey Sr.

The top 10 most inspiring quotes by Robert Downey Sr.

  • I’m too young to be a king and too committed to be a queen.
  • To get me in to the Army underage, my mother signed me in saying that my birth certificate was lost in a fire in Nashville, so I got in underage. I was 16. She did because I begged her to do it.
  • I made experimental commercials in the experimental division of a production house, Film X, that made commercials for ad agencies.
  • Tell me a country that is doing well and has a great leader? You look at the nuclear weapons all over the place, and you look at things like ISIS, and every country seems to have a battle going on.
  • Life is too easy when you’re a movie star. People will do anything you want and get you anything you want.
  • I’m really happy for my son. He’s turned his life around. I’m so proud of him.
  • When I got out of the Army, I started writing the usual ‘Catcher in the Rye’ imitations, and then I wrote something that was done Off-Off Broadway in a theater. It was called ‘What Else Is There?’ and it was four or five people playing missiles in a silo waiting to take off.
  • I don’t look at it as a career. I’ve just made a few films, and I want to make a few more.
  • I loved reading when the critics in New York would say that some of my films reminded them of Lenny Bruce.
  • I’m not going to stop just because I’m 78. Bunuel made films into his eighties, and he could hardly see. I hope I don’t run into that problem.

Robert Downey Sr. (1936-2021) was an influential American filmmaker, actor, and writer, renowned for his pioneering work in countercultural cinema during the 1960s and 1970s.

Born Robert John Elias Jr. in New York City, he later adopted his stepfather’s surname, Downey. He began his career as a filmmaker with a distinctive avant-garde style, directing the satirical comedy “Putney Swope” (1969), which became a cult classic for its bold commentary on race and advertising.

Downey Sr.’s work often combined irreverent humor with sharp social critique, evident in films like “Greaser’s Palace” (1972). Apart from directing, he appeared in various films and TV shows, including “Boogie Nights” (1997).

He was the father of renowned actor Robert Downey Jr., with whom he shared a close yet tumultuous relationship. Downey Sr.’s legacy lies in his fearless innovation and significant impact on independent cinema, inspiring future generations of filmmakers.

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