
Randy Moss: Birthday

American football wide receiver
Born: February 13, 1977

Randy Moss, the eminent former American football wide receiver, was capable enough to make any defense in the sport of football wake up to a haunting dream. An incredibly athletic individual, Moss took the world of sports by storm with a record-breaking season in his first year at Marshall University. Though there were many who questioned his potential and integrity after a dry season, his stellar performance with New English patriots was the best answer he could give back to his critics. Despite switching from one team to another, his performance never witnessed a slump, as he broke all records. Through his performances, he proved on more than one occasion that he was a force to be reckoned with and that his talent was par excellence. Consequently, the New York Times labeled him as “the National Football League’s biggest enigma,” but the fame was all very short-lived. His off-field behavior landed him in huge trouble, and he was sentenced to a sixty day imprisonment for indulging in a racial fight and for being tested positive for marijuana. Despite his failing public image, the fact that he is still admired and followed by numerous fans is a testament to his exceptional talent. If you would like to learn more about this personality, scroll further.

Randy Moss

Randy Moss’s 5 most popular quotes

  • I smoke a blunt once every blue moon. But hey, the moon looks kinda blue tonight.
  • You can’t stop me in bump. And you definitely can’t stop me playing off. You just try to contain me and stop me from getting a lot of catches.
  • I’m one of the most competitive guys in the NFL. Believe me, nobody wants it more than me.
  • It’s not my fault that people don’t know me. I’m going to speak my mind, no matter what the consequences are.
  • I like to keep my surroundings low-key. I don’t need much around me. I’m easy don’t need a lot of racket.
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