English singer
Born: February 6, 1966
Born and raised in Lancashire, Astley became a musician after leaving school, becoming the drummer for the soul band FBI. Three years later, he rose to fame through his association with the production trio Stock Aitken Waterman, releasing the 1987 album Whenever You Need Somebody, which sold 15.2 million copies worldwide.
Rick Astley’s 5 most popular quotes
- You can’t explain the feeling of singing hit songs to an audience – it’s like being a genuine sports star at the peak of their powers.
- I’d had my time in the charts and made loads of money. I was no longer hungry for success.
- I don’t trust politicians. I think that by the time they’ve made it, with the concessions they’ve had to make in that position, I don’t believe they still have the beliefs they had at the root.
- Dont expect fame to come overnight. That filtered through to me in my own career. Look at Madonna: shes not the best singer in the world, but shes got where she has through hard work.
- I must admit, the constant invasion of privacy was becoming a real concern. Ive been asked for autographs while Ive been doing laps in the pool and even in the toilet!
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