
10 inspirational carrie-anne moss quotes on success

  • Field of Dreams made me realize that I wanted to live my dreams, to risk things for what I felt and what I dreamt of.
  • I definitely acknowledge that The Matrix and Trinity had an influence on female action-oriented characters in television and in film. I think it’s awesome.
  • When you play a doctor, you have to look like you can do it but you don’t actually go and do it.
  • For me, the biggest thing is someone who’s kind. I’m not into the bad-boy thing.
  • I just love to play characters that are layered and that I can relate to in some way, even if they’re completely different than me; that I can see a glimpse of humanity and something I’m interested in exploring.
  • I have no major regrets. I’ve made the conscious decision not to look at life that way. I always try to learn something – to take something away from the situation.
  • I like stories about the world, where we’re at. I like to explore humanity. I like to explore my own humanity.
  • You’ll have a guy, and they’re ageing however they’re ageing, and nobody really cares. If you’re a woman, it’s different.
  • I love to play women who are strong and unapologizing and kind of rough around the edges and don’t care what anybody thinks about that.
  • Eventually I want to be a full-time mother who works occasionally – and being an actor you have that freedom.
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