- Wherever we look, the work of the chemist has raised the level of our civilization and has increased the productive capacity of the nation.
- They criticize me for harping on the obvious; if all the folks in the United States would do the few simple things they know they ought to do, most of our big problems would take care of themselves.
- No method of procedure has ever been devised by which liberty could be divorced from local self-government. No plan of centralization has ever been adopted which did not result in bureaucracy, tyranny, inflexibility, reaction, and decline.
- Wherever despotism abounds, the sources of public information are the first to be brought under its control.
- We do not need more intellectual power, we need more spiritual power. We do not need more of the things that are seen, we need more of the things that are unseen.
- I sometimes wish that people would put a little more emphasis upon the observance of the law than they do upon its enforcement.
- Your ability to face setbacks and disappointments without giving up will be the measure of your ability to succeed.
- To live under the American Constitution is the greatest political privilege that was ever accorded to the human race.
- Nothing is easier than spending public money. It does not appear to belong to anybody. The temptation is overwhelming to bestow it on somebody.
- We are too solicitous for government intervention, on the theory, first, that the people themselves are helpless, and second, that the Government has superior capacity for action. Often times both of these conclusions are wrong.
10 motivational calvin coolidge quotes for success in life

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