
10 quotes by dorothy parker

10 quotes by dorothy parker

  • Telegram to a friend who had just become a mother after a prolonged pregnancy: Good work, Mary. We all knew you had it in you.
  • The Monte Carlo casino refused to admit me until I was properly dressed so I went and found my stockings, and then came back and lost my shirt.
  • Bewildered is the fox who lives to find that grapes beyond reach can be really sour.
  • Hollywood money isn’t money. It’s congealed snow, melts in your hand, and there you are.
  • I was always sweet, at first. Oh, it’s so easy to be sweet to people before you love them.
  • What ever beauty may be it has for its basis order and for its essence unity Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone.
  • Well, there are always those who cannot distinguish between glitter and glamour . . . the glamour of Isadora Duncan came from her great, torn, bewildered, foolhardy soul.
  • The best way to keep children at home is to make the home atmosphere pleasant, and let the air out of the tires.
  • There’s a hell of a distance between wisecracking and wit. Wit has truth in it; wisecracking is simply calisthenics with words.
  • This is me apologizing. I am a fool, a bird-brain, a liar and a horse-thief. I wouldn’t touch a superlative again with an umbrella.
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