Camren Bicondova: BirthdayshareAmerican actress and dancerBorn: May 22, 1999 Camren Bicondova is an American actress and dancer, born on May 22, 1999,read more
Bryan Danielson: BirthdayshareAmerican professional wrestlerBorn: May 22, 1981 Bryan Danielson, better known by his ring name Daniel Bryan, is a renowned Americanread more
Tao Okamoto: BirthdayshareJapanese actress and modelBorn: May 22, 1985 Tao Okamoto, born May 22, 1985, in Chiba, Japan, is a renowned modelread more
A. J. Langer: BirthdayshareAmerican actressBorn: May 22, 1974 A.J. Langer, born Allison Joy Langer on May 22, 1974, in Columbus, Ohio, is anread more
Nazanin Boniadi: BirthdayshareBritish actress and activistBorn: May 22, 1980 Nazanin Boniadi is an Iranian-British actress and human rights activist born on Mayread more
Sean Gunn: BirthdayshareAmerican actorBorn: May 22, 1974 Sean Gunn, born on May 22, 1974, in St. Louis, Missouri, is an American actorread more
The Notorious B.I.G.: BirthdayshareAmerican rapperBorn: May 21, 1972 The Notorious B.I.G., born Christopher George Latore Wallace on May 21, 1972, in Brooklyn, Newread more
Nick Cassavetes: BirthdayshareAmerican actor and directorBorn: May 21, 1959 Nick Cassavetes, born Nicholas David Rowland Cassavetes on May 21, 1959, in Newread more
Lisa Edelstein: BirthdayshareAmerican actressBorn: May 21, 1966 Lisa Edelstein is an accomplished American actress and playwright, renowned for her versatile performances inread more
Fairuza Balk: BirthdayshareAmerican actress and musicianBorn: May 21, 1974 Fairuza Balk, born May 21, 1974, in Point Reyes, California, is an Americanread more