
10 great quotes by hesiod

10 great quotes by hesiod

  • That man is best who sees the truth himself. Good too is he who listens to wise counsel. But who is neither wise himself nor willing to ponder wisdom is not worth a straw.
  • But he who neither thinks for himself nor learns from others, is a failure as a man.
  • A man who works evil against another works it really against himself, and bad advice is worst for the one who devised it.
  • For a man can win nothing better than a good wife, and nothing more painful than a bad one.
  • No gossip ever dies away entirely, if many people voice it: It too is a kind of divinity.
  • Do not let any sweet-talking woman beguile your good sense with the fascination of her shape. It’s your barn she’s after.
  • Never wade through the pretty ripples of perpetually flowing rivers, until you have looked at their lovely waters, and prayed to them, and washed your hands in the pale enchanting water.
  • Often a whole community together suffers in consequence of a bad man who does wrong and contrives evil.
  • Badness can be got easily and in shoals; the road to her is smooth, and she lives very near us. But between us and Goodness the gods have placed the sweat of our brows;
  • The best is he who calls men to the best. And those who heed the call are also blessed. But worthless who call not, heed not, but rest.
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